How would you both describe what you do for work? How did you get into the industry?
R: I’m a model. It all started for me around 6 years ago, where I was scouted by Chic management. I completed high school before I really dedicated my time to the modelling industry.
A: I’ve been a dancer my whole life, dancing professionally for the past 10 years! The past couple years I guess people have been interested in what I have been posting and I am now lucky enough to be collaborating with my favorite brands. I feel very privileged to be able to express myself and collaborate ideas with the support from so many!
Any advice for those wishing to follow a similar path?
R: In today's world, becoming a model has become a lot more accessible through social media, there isn't a specific criteria people need to meet anymore, which is quite amazing. Take the opportunity to create your own social platform, letting people fall in love with the real you. My advice is be confident in your own skin! That’s when you’ll stand out from the crowd.
A: Be yourself!

If you could describe your best friend in 3 words, what would they be?
R: Compassionate, trustworthy, inspiring.
A: Bread before anything. And the feeling is mutual.
What are each of your favourite memories spent together?
R: There have been so many, the list could go on and on. But to narrow it down, the best three memories that come to mind would be our trip to Bali, the night we went to see Anderson Paak and the many festivals we’ve been to together!!
A: Omg we have too many!!! We have so much fun, my go to dance partner! We’ve been to so many festivals, parties etc... I don’t even know where to start. Traveling together is fun, Bali was a time! Even just our morning walks, coffee dates, beach days are definitely up there.
What qualities do you admire most in each other?
R: I can always count on Ash to be there for me when I’m down. She’s there to give me the best advice and support me through the hardest times. Ash is also the life of the party! Im guaranteed a great time whenever I’m with her.
A: Her beauty literally radiates from the inside out, she’s so selfless, caring, calm, hard working and the most humble person I’ve ever met!
As we're celebrating International Women's Day, what does being a woman mean to you?
R: I am very proud to be a woman. We have come so far in being seen as powerful, strong and hard working individuals. To me, being a woman means being confident in your own skin, uplifting those around you and striving to live out my life's potential.
A: I am so proud of being a womxn and how far we have come! To me, womxn are strong but vulnerable, adaptable, capable, nurturing, hard working, resilient, inspiring everything I hope and strive to be. I hope that this International Women’s Day we can celebrate not only the amazing legacy of womxn in our lives but practice inclusivity by celebrating all trans and non-binary womxn.
What is the one thing you’ve achieved in the past year you’re most proud of?
R: We have all come out of a crazy year, full of uncertainty and chaos which I think we can all acknowledge as a personal achievement. I'm proud of how positive I have been through 2020, and how I’ve stepped into 2021 with the desire to work harder.
A: I mean this past year has been pretty crazy, I had a one way flight to London booked April 2020 obviously I ended up staying here, for the better! I met my boyfriend so he was probably the highlight of my year (ewww). Career wise, the performing arts industry has been very slow with all the cancellations of live events and social distancing restrictions but has allowed me to share more online which has been surprising yet rewarding! Just before covid hit I did dance for Dua Lipa which was pretty cool!
What is the next destination on your dream summer travel list?
R: Just take me back to Europe please!! I miss my motherland!
A: I was meant to be living in Europe and have been planning to go to Portugal for my birthday the past couple years so I think that’ll be number 1!